Monday, November 11, 2013

Grade 5 Solar Cooker Experiment - Time to cook!

Mrs. Connor's Grade 5 students completed the building of their solar cookers from their designs.  Now they are testing the cookers by using two thermometers: one to show the change in temperature inside the box and one to show the change in the temperature of water as it is heated in the box.  Due to lack of sun the class used heat lamps to simulate sun light.  The lamps were approximately the same distance above each solar cooker as the experiment was implemented, as you will see in the below pictures.  Students collected data every 5 minutes and will be analyzing the data to determine the best design and also to make adjustments to designs to improve their cooking ability.

 Design Teams with final products:

 Cooking hot dogs in the solar cookers:


Enjoying the fruits of our labor (time to eat!):

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